$28.00 USD or more

GLC Cultured Homeschool Moms Community

Join other homeschool moms to chat about:

  • The Bible

  • Homeschooling

  • Great Literature

  • Art

  • Classical Music

  • Poetry

  • All Things Charlotte Mason


Book Clubs:

Also, join our book clubs! There are a variety of book clubs, with different schedules. Choose the one that works best for you!

1- The Philosophy of Education by Charlotte Mason

Every-other-Thursday at 7 pm EST, beginning January 11


2- The Mission of Motherhood by  Sally Clarkson

Every-other-Thursday at 8 pm EST, beginning January 4


3- Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry

Tuesdays at 2:30 pm EST, beginning January 9


$28 for access until July 1, for a limited time! Less than $5 per month (half price!).


When you check out:


You will be added to an online community here on Kajabi, automatically. This community has not been super active, though, so we moved to a Facebook community here. Check out, and then ask to join us! 

$28 gets you access to the community plus all three book clubs. You can attend whichever book club(s) you like!