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Hi, I'm Brenda, and I'm a homeschool mom like you.

I remember feeling frazzled, trying to teach five kids all different materials.

Eventually, I started piecing it all together myself, making spreadsheets and checklists.

I became a HUGE advocate for what I call Whole-Family Homeschooling.

It's peaceful. It's beautiful. I want everyone, everywhere to experience this kind of homeschool atmosphere.

In 2022, God led me to start a homeschool community in Lynchburg, Virginia. 

I shared my reading plans with 19 moms that year, and continued creating and sharing more reading plans this year.

And now, those reading plans are available for you, here.



Education is an Atmosphere.

& you belong in a lovely atmosphere

Cozy Homeschool Days

Spend your days snuggled on the couch with your kids. Imagine doing school all together for as many subjects as possible.

Good Books & Tea

The Gentle Learning Co. reading lists include living books that will draw your children in & stick with them. Pour some tea & enjoy!

Watch Them Grow

This kind of atmosphere provides all the right ingredients for growth. And guess what? You're going to grow, too!

Education is a Discipline

but don't let that scare you

It all started with STAR Homeschool Community in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Our program began in the 2022-2023 school year and is thriving! STAR stands for "Seeking Truth and Righteousness."

I created reading plans for moms at STAR and then I decided to share them here! STAR moms have been using these reading plans for two years now (first, Cycle 2, then Cycle 3). Now it's your chance to read.

Visit the STAR Lynchburg website 

Education is a Life.

a wonderful kind of life


I can't think of a more important subject to teach children about besides our Messiah and the Word of God. The GLC curriculum includes a Bible reading plan, Scripture memory verses, apologetics, and hymn study. Also, subjects like History and Science are clearly marked to let you know when they were written from a Christian worldview.

Classical + Charlotte Mason-Style


Charlotte Mason was an educator in the late 1800's and early 1900's. She wrote a 6-volume set, giving some revolutionary instructions about home education. She taught about seeing children as whole people, reading living books aloud to children and spending hours outdoors with them. Doesn't it sound wonderful?

Also, the GLC reading plans follow the same cycles as the Claritas Publishing classical memory work. The memory work is an optional (and wonderful) resource!

A Four Cycle Approach

Homeschooling with order. It just makes sense.

Cycle 1

Creation to the Fall of Rome

Biology, Anatomy, Insects & more

Cycle 2

The Dark Ages through Early Explorers

Astronomy, Geology, Marine Biology & more

Cycle 3

Dutch Revolt through California Gold Rush

Chemistry, Gardens, Birds & more

Cycle 4

Victorian Era to Modern History

Physics, Weather, Forests & More

The Four-Cycle Approach is the Best Way to Teach Children!

Learn More About the Cycles

So Many Resources for You!

The Gentle Learning Co. cycles are in an online course format, nicely organized by subject. Under each subject, there are several printable charts and spreadsheets. There are also links to training and suggestions for how to use the reading plans.

Charlotte Mason-Style

GLC reading plans include living books that are spaced out, to provide a variety of interesting things to read about each week.


Tons of Books to Choose From

Each subject contains at least five book options, and some subjects (like history) have more than thirty!


Instructions for Moms

GLC reading plans include living books that are spaced out, to provide a variety of interesting things to read about each week.


An Online Course Format

The GLC reading plans are set up like an online course, with modules for each subject.


For All the Grades

These reading plans are designed to use with all of your children together. There are also reading plans for independent reading for students who are able, through high school.

Online Community Included

Chat with other moms about how to teach your kids & get encouragement that you need in this journey.


PDF Schedules

Get your binder ready! I adore making spreadsheets, and you get to print and use the spreadsheets I make as check-off lists for your school days.


28-Weeks of Reading Plans

28 weeks is doable, right? I don't want to overwhelm you with 30+ weeks of school work that digs into your summer break. Just think of how accomplished you'll feel when you get it all checked off!

Access for 18 Months

While many online programs offer access for just 12 months, I know how it goes: you want time to plan in advance, right? That's why I set up 18 months of access for you!


Children are Grouped in "Forms" 


At STAR, our students are in "Forms" instead of grades. The GLC reading plans are divided by Forms, too. Our Forms are as follows:

Form 1: 4 years through grade 1

Form 2: 2nd-3rd grade

Form 3: 4th-6th grade

Form 4: 7th-8th grade

Form 5: 9th-12th grade

Optional Online Classes, Too

I want to support you however I can! From time to time, there will be online courses available on this site. To learn more about what is being offered at this moment, check out our Classes page.

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I am speaking at TTD this year! Come meet me!